

I am an English > Dutch and Dutch > English translator. I am also available for proofreading Dutch and English texts.

I have experience with translating insurance-related texts, websites, manuals, press releases, advertisements, CVs, cover letters, brochures and more. For more info, take a look at my portfolio.


Quotation: If you contact me for a translation, I will give you a quote. I will also indicate the time needed to translate the text. To provide this information, I would like to know how many words or how many pages a document consist(s) of. Maybe you even have an example page.

Test translation: Before you accept the quote, you may want to let me perform a test translation of a (small) part of the document. This is free of charge. 


Translation: Once you have accepted the quote, I get to work. I might contact you for consultation about some (professional) terms or expressions that prove to be difficult to translate, even after extensive research. With your help, I can make sure to choose the most appropriate translation.

Delivery: I can deliver the translated document in PDF and Word format. If you wish, I will do my best to leave the original formatting intact. Unfortunately this is not guaranteed due to the simple fact that Dutch text often takes up more space than English text. If I am translating a large amount of text for you, you may want to have the text delivered to you in parts so that you can work on it yourself. This is possible, but keep in mind that even the translated texts I already sent you may be modified or improved before the translation process is complete. If you have any questions regarding the translated text, please contact me.

Payment: After delivering the translated text, I will send you an invoice. In the Netherlands 21% value added tax applies.


Contact me for an obligation free quotation.