

The rate for translating a text depends on the number of words, the time needed to translate it and the quality of the source text. That is why the below rate is subject to change.

Translation rate per word: from €0,04 (excl. VAT)

If the source text is of good quality and it needs to be translated as literally as possible, payment per word is the best option. Examples would be manuals, terms and conditions or contracts.

Translation, hourly rate: from €35,- (excl. VAT)

When quality of the source text is low, the text does not only need to be translated but also (partially) rewritten. In that case a rate per hour is more appropriate. 


Rates for proofreading depend on the kind of proofreading that is most suited for your text. That is why the below rate is subject to change.


Proofreading rate per word: from €0,02 (excl. VAT)

For this rate, spelling and grammar will be checked and corrected.

Proofreading hourly rate: from €25,- (excl. VAT)

This rate is for more extensive proofreading. How is the composition of the text? Is there a consistent writing style? Of course grammar and spelling will also be checked.

Contact me for an obligation free quotation.